Tuesday, April 29, 2014

"Money, its either yours or its theirs"

I remember when I was little.

Our tiny town had ONE grocery store.  

And it pretty much JUST sold groceries.

Today, a "Grocery" store RARELY just sells groceries, there are PLENTY of other things in the store to tempt us into parting with our money.  {ahem, Target, oh my the temptations....}

As an Amish man once said 

"Money, its either yours, or its theirs"

Even Aldi, which we LOVE has some hidden temptations, that aren't so hidden anymore.

Extra goodies, a few toys, gardening goodies, etc.

So when we shop, we are armed with CASH and a DETAILED LIST.

Its so true, cash is harder to spend.  Even using a debit card (cash coming right out of our checking account) I spend more.

Hugs and happy "Keeping more of your money"

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