Tuesday, April 22, 2014

How we kept our "Free" event, free

The kids' school (K12 virtual school) had a FREE event yesterday.

A showing of How to Train Your Dragon at the movie theater in Brownsburg.  

We got up and started in on our "lists" for the day

We arrived at the theater to find it was reserved for JUST our group.

So fun.

We packed our own movie-snacks, to avoid the EXPENSIVE movie treats.  {WHY does the popcorn have to smell SOOOO good???} We practiced self-control and ate our snacks instead.

At the end of the movie, each child received a free book and the Learning Coaches (me) received a very nice Reading Comprehension packet. yay!

We practiced a little more self-control as we exited the theater only to be BOMBARDED with AMAZING nearby restaurant smells.  {Seriously, I am usually only this sensitive to smells when a) I am pregnant and b) I am hungry)  and no I am NOT pregnant}

We quickly got into the car and RACED home, narrowly escaping the call of MANY drive-thrus, VERY CONVENIENTLY placed along our path.  

Yikes.  Our fore-fathers may have had to fight off wild animals on  their treks across the country, but they did NOT have to contend with DRIVE-THRUS!

We arrive home safely, fixed a nice HEALTHY lunch at home, and made a batch of home-made chocolate chip cookies. {I felt the need for a reward.  For all of us.  The kids agreed}

I LOVE free events for our children.  But if we are not prepared, our free events quickly turn into, "well the event was free, but then there were treats, and we got hungry..."

Hugs and happy FREE outings :)

1 comment:

  1. WOOHOO for you! :) It is SO hard to stick to your guns, isn't it? Because after all, the event is free. Loved this line: "Our fore-fathers may have had to fight off wild animals on their treks across the country, but they did NOT have to contend with DRIVE-THRUS!" True story. Between our home and my husband's office there are well over 20. He only works 2 miles away.
