Monday, October 28, 2013

Fruglicity - Apple Orchard visit )

Every year we visit an area apple orchard. 

This year we skipped the extras (cider slushies, candy corn and suckers from the market, would have been an additional $15. at LEAST) and just picked 1 small bag of apples.  $10

Then we stopped at Aldi for a pre-made pie crust $1.89  (Should have made my own from scratch, but I had worked that morning as was POOPED!)

and Vanilla Ice Cream $2.69

and we headed home to bake our pie.  

We have TONS of apples left to make apple crisp and another pie (with the crust from scratch this time.)

Love our visits each year and love the treats we enjoy as the fruit of our labor (ha. pun intended)

Frugal, family fun. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

My little girl-

Love this little girl.  

Proud of her for 2 specific reasons today:

1.  She just started an advanced gymnastics class, in which she was feeling very overwhelmed.  On the first day of class she excused herself to come see me.  We talked about perseverance and prayed for extra strength and guidance.  The rest of the class went GREAT!  She was back flipping and back handspringing with the BIGGEST grin.  Proud of her :)

2.  Her best friend moved to Africa this week.  She has been melancholy to say the least, but as we talk about ways we can bless Maggie's family through letters and care packages she is getting so excited and creative!  Just today she started a really cute project to send over.  Love the way she is making the best of her situation.  Love her little heart.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Friends in Ethiopia

We said good-bye to some great friends this week as they embark on new journey in Addis Abba, Ethiopia.  They will be partnering with Embracing Home Ethiopia, working in a day care center where children are cared for while their mom's learn a trade in an effort to support themselves.

We are BEYOND excited for their new adventure, but will also miss them so much!

Olivia and Maggie have been friends since they were 2. 

We moved back to Indianapolis this past summer and they have spent as MUCH time as possible with each other.  

This picture of the two of them makes me cry, every. time.  Such special friends :)

Christie and I :)  Will so miss our chats over coffee. :(

Logan LOVES to play with Zek and Emery.  He calls them his little brothers.  CUTE!


Olivia and Hazel :)

Maggie surprised Olivia with BFF necklaces :)

T-shirts.  Olivia still hasn't taken hers off.  2 1/2 days later :)

Their time and ours.

Thankfully, with technology the world is a smaller place.  And in 2 years we will get to have play dates again.  Can't wait.