Saturday, March 22, 2014


While visiting our local zoo yesterday, our children were BEGGING for ice cream.

Dippin's Dots to be exact.

Where it is $4.50 for JUST 1 dish.

Far be it from me to deprive my darlings of an ice cream treat.  HOWEVER, this is a request that happens EVERYTIME we visit the zoo. Which is MULTIPLE times per month.


I said time for a lesson in economics.

We can buy a half gallon of ice cream for $2.89

and cones for $1.19

So for a total of $4.08 we can ALL enjoy ice cream for the ENTIRE WEEK!  Instead of $9 for just Olivia and Logan, 1 time.

I realize there are special times when an ice cream treat is ABSOLUTELY a must!  And when those times arise, I am all in.  But most of the time, I would rather save the money and enjoy Fruglicity ice cream treats.

Hugs and happy sweet treat savings!

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