I broke-up with Target.
When we lived in Indianapolis I would frequent Target at an alarming rate. With kids, without kids, whatever, I LOVED to go to that store.
Not only would I get the "Target-high" walking in the door, but I would also find "Impossible-to-pass-up" bargains EVERY TIME! Amazing.
Typically a trip to Target for toilet paper ($10 trip) would end up being at least $50.
I have joked with more than one cashier, that if you leave target spending under $25 you should get a prize.
Ready for the shocking revelation?
I haven't been to Target since we moved here.
As a family we are changing our spending habits overall, but you never could have convinced me 6 weeks ago that I would voluntarily stay away from Target and live to tell about it.
I'm sure I will visit Target again, but for now my wallet is thanking me for staying away. Yes we are eating out less, shopping less in general, but in my mind, what should have been a PAINFUL change in my shopping behavior, wasn't.
Now that I know that life really will go on without Target, we are breaking up. Not forever, but for now. It actually feels liberating. My mind is less cluttered in our new money-saving ventures.
They say when you break an old habit you must replace it with a new one. So now, I look forward to our weekly trip to the local farmer's market with as much excitement as I did on my way-to-frequent trips to Target.
Hugs and happy money-saving!
Just got caught up reading your blog!! Looove it! Your home is beautiful - I can't WAIT to see it! Also, on a side note, I HAD to break up with Target when I was on bedrest. I agree, life goes on (but deep down I still love it)! Ha!