Thursday, May 31, 2012

I broke up with Target.

I broke-up with Target. 

When we lived in Indianapolis I would frequent Target at an alarming rate.  With kids, without kids, whatever, I LOVED to go to that store.

Not only would I get the "Target-high" walking in the door, but I would also find "Impossible-to-pass-up" bargains EVERY TIME!  Amazing.

Typically a trip to Target for toilet paper ($10 trip) would end up being at least $50.

I have joked with more than one cashier, that if you leave target spending under $25 you should get a prize.

Ready for the shocking revelation?

I haven't been to Target since we moved here. 


As a family we are changing our spending habits overall, but you never could have convinced me 6 weeks ago that I would voluntarily stay away from Target and live to tell about it. 

I'm sure I will visit Target again, but for now my wallet is thanking me for staying away.  Yes we are eating out less, shopping less in general, but in my  mind, what should have been a PAINFUL change in my shopping behavior, wasn't. 

Now that I know that life really will go on without Target, we are breaking up.  Not forever, but for now.  It actually feels liberating.  My mind is less cluttered in our new money-saving ventures. 

They say when you break an old habit you must replace it with a new one.  So now, I look forward to our weekly trip to the local farmer's market with as much excitement as I did on my way-to-frequent trips to Target.

Hugs and happy money-saving!


Olivia Age 7 and  Isabel age 10 

Our pretty girls :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Tommy painted this target on our fence for pitching practice. 

I just love it. 

Something about the colors on the faded fence.

And the smiles on the face of a little boy when he hits the target.

Simple fun.

Hugs and happy summertime fun!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Seafood Alfredo

I am always looking for recipes, that will stretch my dollar, when we entertain. 

How can I feed alot of people without spending alot?

  LOVE this recipe!  I have made it twice since being here, one time for the family down the street to just had a new baby and then this past weekend for my brother and his family, my mom and aunt and my family.  I doubled it both times and we ate on it for DAYS!

 I have seen various versions of this recipe, but here is my own version:

3 pints heavy whipping cream
5 Tbsp butter
8oz container of grated Romano and Parmesan cheese
8 oz container of shredded Parmesan cheese
2 packages imitation crab or lobster

Melt butter in pan, adding HVC, stirring continuously.  Slowly add cheese, while stirring.  Let it thicken, it should easily coat a spoon.  Add crab, lobster or even chicken.

2 packages fettuccine cooked; transfer to platter, toss with 2 Tbsp of butter.  Top with creamy goodness!

Disclaimer:  This is definitely not a figure-friendly version.  You could certainly use half 'n half or even 2% milk, just adjusting cheese level to get the right consistency.

Serve with a nice salad and garlic bread and viola! 

Hugs and happy cooking!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Room by Room

We are slowly getting our home put together. 

  Its amazing how seeing your own furniture in another house makes you feel right at home. 

We still have some unpacking to do, but we are getting settled, room by room.

We entertained my brother and his family this weekend.  It was so fun to have everyone here.

Hugs and happy gathering!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Our Simply Delightful Days

Our new home inspires me.
It was built around the year 1900.
Both of my grandmothers lived in this neighborhood in their early years.
I would love to think that one or both of my grandmothers have been in my home.
I love to read fiction novels that take place in the early 1900's or before.  I'm inspired by the resourcefulness of those who lived a century ago.  Back when simplicity was a way of life, not by choice, but because it just was.

While our blog will continue to be our family scrapbook, (visit our old blog address I would also like to document how we spend our days being creative, frugal and resourceful.

Hugs and happy simply living!