Friday, June 20, 2014

Frugal Summer Fun

One of our FAVORITE activities is visiting our local zoo.

We currently live in Indianapolis, about 8 minutes from our zoo, and often will run over 2 or 3 times a week to hang out even for just an hour.  (But even when we lived in South Bend, we visited the zoo often on a yearly membership)

The Indy Zoo yearly pass will set you back $136 per year, but if we annualize our visits, conservatively figuring we visit about once a week over the entire 52 weeks, it comes out to $2.62 per visit.

I love math that works out like that.

In the cooler months, we bundle up and rush from indoor exhibit to the next indoor exhibit

In the summer months, we pack swimsuits and finish our visit in the splash park.



Summer Fun

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Not even sure what is happening here, 


The look of joy on her face 

makes my heart so happy.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Eating Out(side)

While we don't eat out very often, there are times it sounds so appealing.

But I have often found, in the warmer seasons, that preparing lunch and simply taking it outside (by the garden is my favorite) and having a simple picnic is a way to feel like we've had a special lunch, outside of our kitchen.



Happy Sigh 

Hugs and happy picnics this summer!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014